Tony’s Pure Systems Enterprise LLC
Another Tony’s Pure Systems Website
About Me
If you want to know more about me. I am an affiliate for many companies. I dd started my traffic through my website at first. It was a free 7-day course with a free website, and it still is a free 7-day free video lesson and a permanent website. You will still get to keep your website even if you do not join. What a good deal, I said to myself. So, I went for it.
This was what I always wanted to do; without having to pay someone to build a website for me. But when the free website with the 7-day free video lessons came by, I jumped on it. Subsequently, the cost was around $1,500′ back a few years ago.
Thus, It’s more now. But instead, I took advantage of the 7-day free video lessons on how to build my free website. First of all, being my own boss and working as many hours as I want, is helping me with more freedom time. And with other things that I am trying to create with my affiliate programs. Thus, have been working on my websites ever since and love my job. Therefore, it is imperative that we all find what we love to do.
Whether full or part-time that would be up to you. In my first month, I got accepted for my content on Google Adsense. And getting paid per click’ and made tones of leads and traffic. I first started with a blog about water purification methods. About the dangers of drinking tap water. That contains more than a hundred contaminants. From there, I started learning more new technics at an accelerated speed because I enjoyed it immensely.
Thus, it tuned out well. With the free affiliate programs that I have joined, If you feel this is for you, feel free to come and join in on the fun. Do not worry; Moreover, you will be able to go back to the video lessons to see if you missed anything or to refresh your memory.
In addition, I have only 5 of them with Wealthy Affiliate, which is enough for me to handle and, that’s all I need for now. Besides the free website and lessons for 7-days, you will also get up to 25 websites free of charge. Thus, you only pay for the domain name with .com will run around $13 per year. For.Net around $15 on up .org little more like $18.
The rest including my blog is important to know why tap water is dangerous to your health. The city water treatment centers are recycling sewage water and sending it right back to us to drink. Yuk! What a slap on the face with everyone’s recycled urine and feces while taking a shower.
Feel; free to read on if you are not interested in the affiliate programs. My research goes deep. Into what the government officials are doing. For low-cost reasons to save them millions on outdated products.
Thus, I have several free affiliate programs to share with anyone on my website. This website below takes you to the free 7-day video lessons on how to build your website with no experience at all.
Take advantage of the 7-day free video lessons on how to build your website. And earn residual income and leverage income from those who join under you. If you do not join after the 7 days are up. You can still keep your website. But if you do join you get a $200 knocked off the premium yearly package plan. But, if you prefer a monthly plan we have you covered on that one too. Good luck.
Website Owner: Tony C.